
Thank you Play Attention for the encouragement and support

Nathan just graduated from Grade 6 last week.  June also marks his 10th full month of Play Attention.  When Nathan began the program, he struggled with sitting still and focusing for even the briefest time period.  As a coach, I was kept very busy marking every movement, fidget, distracted and off-task behavior. We began with…

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Brody’s Story

Joyce Bowen’s son Brody always seemed to be on the go. Even as a baby, he seldom slept for more than five hours a day, and his rambunctiousness only grew as he got older. Soon, Joyce felt as if she were spending more time disciplining Brody than playing with him. When Brody was old enough…

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No, Don’t believe in me!

Pat and Jerry  have been seeking outside support for their son, Peter, since he began the educational system. With a diagnosis of ADHD and learning challenges in 2nd grade and oppositional defiance by 7th grade, school became a perfect place for Peter to use his bully protection to avoid the pain of academic failure. In…

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Kayla made the honor roll!

From Kayla’s mother, Sonja: From a very early age, our oldest child Kayla seemed to have trouble concentrating.  She was always very bright, and a fast learner, but anything could distract her. Her train of thought would jump from one thing to another so fast and so frequently, that sometimes it was hard to understand…

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Better grades, more confidence, and better test results!

Yosef felt discouraged.  His family had moved overseas at a crucial time in his young life.  Now in high school, Yosef was finding his adjustment to learning in a foreign country to be challenging at best.  Although his parents had taken care to enroll him in an English-language school, mastering a new system of matriculation…

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From failing to college bound!

I would like to share my experiences as a program manager using Play Attention with one of the teenagers that came to my clinic. As an ADD kid, Fatima was failing ten subjects in her senior year of high school, which was a bilingual private catholic school with small class groups. In El Salvador, bilingual…

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