Alec now participates in class, completes school assignments in a timely manner, and is very social

I would highly recommend this program to anyone who is looking to help their child in school.

Alec started the Play Attention program eight months ago, due to a recommendation from his psychologist. I read all of the reviews and did my own research on the product. I even participated in the webinar asking many questions that related to Alec and how it will work in our everyday lives.

Our first day was March 31, 2013 and we haven’t looked back. He was having a hard time attending to tasks at school and at home. He also had a fear of failing anything that required effort or pushed him past his comfort zone.

At first, he resisted the program, because of the unknown, but within a month of my persistence, he requested to do it. To this date, we do it consistently three times a week and are 42 hours into the program. The best results have been recently when I went for his quarterly parent-teacher conference. They told me he actively participates in class, completes school assignments in a timely manner, is very social, is less frustrated with the possibility of failure, will self correct and initiates harder work from the teacher.

He has become a pro at the program, as he can navigate the whole session independently and I sit next to him for support. He will self monitor and say why he did or did not do well and why. Both my husband and I have been beyond impressed by the quality of the program, technical staff is beyond helpful, and of course, all of the benefits Alec is receiving from Play Attention. I would highly recommend this program to anyone who is looking to help their child in school.

Best of luck–
Lisa and Eric

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