Actual Thank You Card From a Proud Play Attention Parent…
Good day,
It is with much emotion that I sit at this computer writing about my son’s experience with the Play Attention program. Our ten year old son, Julian was struggling since the age of five. At the start of kindergarten we were told that Julian was easily distracted. Julian was not reading in the first grade because he had a hard time just sitting and wanting to learn. His teacher commented that he was forgetful. We quickly had Julian tested to reveal that he may suffer from ADHD. In our search for help, we had the great opportunity in meeting with the H.O.P.E. Resource Centre. Our son eagerly followed the program. Julian sees the progress that he has made with simply more awareness. He started to notice things that he has never realized before and felt less confused. His impulsivity had also diminished and he definitely had fewer tantrums. It is truly remarkable. Julian is in fourth grade and his teacher reports that he is following all instructions in class.
We are so delighted with Julian’s progress and his eagerness to continue learning with more focus. He is a happy little boy. Early intervention is the key.
Following the Play Attention program has been a blessing in our life.
Very sincerely, we wish you much success with the continued growth of this program.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
– Marie, Proud mother of Julian