Our son’s attention issues were only evident through his lack of focus, lack of motivation, and lack of perseverance on a task. It wasn’t until second grade that our suspicion of him having at least borderline ADHD was confirmed when his very attuned teacher began giving us very pointed feedback on his lack of focus, difficulty with attention, lack of reading stamina. It’s been about five months now that he is consistently using Play Attention, and I notice a change in his focus and staying on task in school, play, and sports. Also, now his reading level is above grade.
At home too, he did not have any favorite game/activity and would not engage in any independent playing. Only tablets would engage him independently, but we would restrict them, so there was no solid source of recreation for him. He would read some books, but was not engaged in reading. He also seemed to lack interest or motivation for sports. He would not be able to follow the instructor’s/coach’s suggestions as well as other kids would. Otherwise, he was an emotionally well-adjusted kid. He loved to talk, was happy and cheerful, very inquisitive, and sharp in observations and memory.
It wasn’t until second grade that our suspicion of him having at least borderline ADHD was confirmed when his very attuned teacher began giving us very pointed feedback on his lack of focus, difficulty with attention, lack of reading stamina. Most important, as is evident in only attention deficit component of ADHD, she rightly pointed out that he was suffering these struggles silently in his mind, and it did not show up as disruptions in his behaviors (due to absence of hyperactivity component from ADHD). She also said that he was performing at grade level in school, but that his potential was much higher, and he was not performing to that level. This is where he is fortunate to have a teacher who really cares for him and is aware of his potential that was not being fully met. She could have let it go, because his behavior was good, he was not disruptive to his classmates, and was making it to grade level. However, she involved the school psychologist, and we all sat down to have a meeting. This is when I decided to invest in Play Attention, after doing a lot of research.
I was aware of neurofeedback, and it really sounded hopeful to me that Play Attention adds the cognitive training component that gives an edge, since it is not a generalized treatment as plain neurofeedback. I was cautiously hopeful that Play Attention would specifically help my son’s attention issues. In my work as a psychologist, I have seen many male patients who are bright, but have undiagnosed attention deficit (without hyperactivity) who have struggled in their careers and have been labeled as lazy and unmotivated. They do not realize that their struggles are due to the attention issues in the brain, and blame themselves for not reaching their potential, and end up getting depressed and feeling a sense of failure in life. I was fearful of that happening to my son, and I am out to nip this attention problem in the bud.
I began to see positive changes within a month. It’s hard to pinpoint the early change that I noticed, but we began to get concrete positive feedback from his teacher and his school psychologist. Actually, I have not disclosed to the teachers or anyone else about him using Play Attention. One day, I got a random email from the teacher saying that his attention has improved! This was without my asking. Also, now his reading level is above grade. Please note that this does not mean that Play Attention makes someone more intelligent – it’s just that he is now performing to his potential.
It’s been about five months now that he is consistently using Play Attention, and I notice a change in his focus and staying on task in school, play, and sports. He is more interested and able to engage in independent play. He seems overall sincere in his behavior and tasks and has stopped lying to get an easy way out. I understand now that all his previous behaviors that seemed to show that he was not interested or not sincere were related to his attention struggles. I think that he can make more progress on his focus, concentration, and motivation. I am hoping that the rest of the few months of play attention training will benefit him further. I am praying for him to reach his full potential.
If you are considering Play Attention, do not have any doubt. You would make the best investment for your child for their life. You would be saving a lot of trials and tribulations for yourself and your child. They would be saved from having to take medications. They would be saved from character change that would be brought about by a sense of failure, due to no fault of their own. You would have a better and easy relationship with your child.
The consistent use of play attention is very important for it’s success. You have to use it according to recommendations to see the success.
All the best in your child’s future!
Thank you!
– Robert’s proud mom