All of our clients are assigned a Personal Executive Function Coach. This is one dad’s reply to his Personal EF Coach who was following up to see how his daughter was progressing:
Hello Mike,
It’s interesting that I just took this picture on Monday with thoughts of sending it to you.
As I say, we can’t always be sure what makes changes happen that seem dramatic, but you can’t ignore things either. This is a picture of our daughter in the early morning, eating breakfast, and working on her homework that we didn’t have time to do the night before.
At the beginning of this school year, every time I broached the subject each day, I experienced her meltdown at just the word ‘homework.’ For her doing this completely on her own really brought a tear to my eye. She still has a long way to go, but I am now reading ‘Delivered from Distraction’ and it has been an amazing addition to the how’s and why’s people deal with and suffer from ADD. I can see it in myself and most people in some form.
If you ever wonder if what you do for a living makes a difference, my wife and I thank you and your organization for making a very big difference with our daughter and our family.