
Evan’s Testimony

We began Play Attention with Evan in March of 2014.  Evan was 11 years old at the time and struggling with his ability to focus in school and extracurricular activities.  Evan’s grades were suffering, but more importantly, his inability to focus on everyday tasks was chipping away at his confidence as well. What makes Evan’s…

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Sophia’s Success Story

Our 11 yr old daughter started using Play Attention 6 months ago. She has been diagnosed with a Non-Verbal Learning Disability. She has trouble staying focused. We have spent thousands on tutors trying to keep her up with her peers. I heard about Play Attention from a friend who talked about the fact that it…

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Play Attention is…one of my foundational tools

I’ve used Play Attention for years in my business. I have a couple programs that I’ve used for a long time, but Play Attention is the longest and most consistent tool I have used since I’ve started my business. Play Attention addresses attention and the cognitive skills. Since I started using Play Attention with my…

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How Play Attention helped Landon after suffering a concussion

With our son Landon, his journey started out a little more difficult than most. In addition to having ADHD, when he was 3 1/2 years old he fell down a flight of stairs and suffered a concussion. Due to his age, he had to stay in the hospital overnight for observation. The fall down the…

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Play Attention for Peak Performance Training!

As the mom of a single child, I am very guilty of doing everything for my child, usually to my own demise. We hated doing homework! Instead of giving my child the chance to do it on her own and in her own way, I did it for her. I heard about the Study Methods…

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Winning and Achieving!

My son, Elijah, has been using the Play Attention programme now for around 5 months, and we have definitely seen an improvement in his concentration, behaviour and coping skills. Elijah is currently in 3rd grade and has the same teacher now that he had in kindergarten. The teacher commented on how he is much more focused…

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