

“The higher the self-esteem the lesser you focus on your fears of failure” Over the past 40 years I’ve been a performance sports coach in various sports. I have been involved in coaching several players to achieve very high, even number 1 ranking on the ATP Tennis tour in doubles. I played tennis on the…

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One Play Attention Professional Shares Two Great Successes!

In August 2015, Emmanuel joined our Play Attention student group. He was starting 4th grade and diagnosed with ADHD. According to his Mom, Emmanuel was in trouble everyday in 3rd grade as he struggled with impulse control of outburst in the classroom. In addition to his impulsive behavior, he was experiencing trouble with reading and…

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I had a stroke – so shocking!

No one expects a stroke, I felt I was too young. I was 63 at the time and thought “strokes happen to other people.” I was confused when it struck. My husband came home at the time and he realized I couldn’t speak. He rushed me to our hospital which was fairly close. They took…

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Play Attention helps Jason understand himself

With Play Attention, Jason has learned to understand how to focus and how to pay attention.  He has applied what he learned from the games in the real world, in school, and at home.  After playing for over 50 hours (about 6 months), Jason can tell us when he is tired and not able to…

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A Mother’s testimony

My child’s journey with Play Attention started in her Grade-3 year. She struggled with math to such an extent that I feared that her math grades might cause her to fail her academic year. My daughter had to stay in class during many breaks since she could not write the work off the black-board fast…

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Rachel’s testimony

The Play Attention team is committed to your success.  We have many support systems in place to insure this.  Two important aspects of this include customizing everyone’s Play Attention plan to meet your specific needs and unlimited support and guidance from your executive function coach.  I recently have had the pleasure to work one of…

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